Categories of softwares software#
As this software is, typically, either published independently or as part of a scientific paper there is the implicit requirement that it should be maintained for a longer period of time. The software may be developed for a single purpose but incorporates functionality that may be of use to others either as a standalone tool or library. In this case the software may have a direct influence on other research and/or software - even if this was not the primary intention when it was written - and long-term sustainability and reliability become more important. Medium impact software refers to software that has been developed as part of a research project or is the primary output of a research project. Software written specifically for an experiment, e.g., a pipeline written for analysis of data and generating experimental results.Software written as part of a project to automate an administrative or routine process, e.g., monitoring a process or generating document templates.Software that is used to create and format a figure for a publication, e.g., created when using a plotting package such as ggplot2 or matplotlib.Software written as part of a course, e.g., used to explain an algorithm or illustrate a numerical method.

Its potential for reuse would typically be very limited and potentially it may never be reused.

Software in this category is defined as low impact as it is not intended to be used by others, and has a relatively low influence outside the scope for which it was intended. version control and user documentation) are important in their development, long-term sustainability and its associated requirements are less relevant. This category primarily includes software that is written as part of a one-off project and/or is not intended to be used beyond a defined period.